Evangelist Apps

How to choose the right app development partner?

Mobile App Development Framework | Evangelist Apps


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Excited about making your business app? Don’t let an inexperienced app development partner ruin the fun for you. Choose the right app development partner to ensure the smooth development and launch of your app. Just the way you wanted it to be.

So, how to find the right app development partner, you might wonder? Well, here is a complete guide that helps you pinpoint the right talent for your app project.

How can an app development partner help?

An app development partner is going to be your one-stop solution for all mobile app-related needs.

  1. Product strategy: Help you come up with the right features and utilities for your mobile application with the help of market research, competition and audience analysis, and more.
  2. Design: Help you design the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX) with the help of wireframes to help with compatibility testing.
  3. Develop: Write the codes and develop the functionalities of the app.
  4. Deploy: Helps you to launch the app on relevant marketplaces and app stores.
  5. Maintain: Help you to maintain and provide periodic updates for bug-free operation of your mobile app.
  6. Analyse: Helps you gather and analyze app data to suggest improvements.

Here are the complete steps to guide you through the process of finding the right talent.

Assess your needs

The first step would be to decide what type of app you are looking for. This will help to understand what development platform will suit the best. This is as important as building the application itself. Plus, understanding the development platform will also give you a good assumption of the software development lifecycle.

Native vs Cross-platform

Mobile applications come in two flavors; native and cross-platform. Native applications are made specifically for a particular operating system while cross-platform apps are exactly as the name suggests. 

Native apps for Android are developed using Kotlin and Java while iOS uses Swift and Objective C. 

Cross-platform apps are built using Flutter Xamarin, Ionic, and more.

Both native and cross-platform apps come with their set of pros and cons. Native apps are great at leveraging system hardware and offer great performance, but the development costs and timeline can be a bit high.

Cross-platform apps are known for their quick development cycles but can be poor on the performance front.

Make sure you make the right compromises to settle with either native or cross-platform development.

Your app development partner must have good experience and also come from a relevant academic background. Check for previously published projects to understand their level of expertise. 

  1. Job-specific skill: Make sure to hire talents who are experienced with the development platform and programming language you wish to use for your app.
  2. Writing codes: Check if the development partner can write efficient and accurate codes using the right programming languages when developing apps.
  3. Manage databases: Check how databases are created and if they are secure enough to hold user information. The right developer will help create secure databases protected by additional layers of security like 2FA, Authentication codes, and more.
  4. Other aspects: Check if the developer can create intuitive UIs for the best user experience, track bugs, and resolve them and their track record of providing regular updates.


Ask for a portfolio: Ask for a portfolio of previously developed apps to check if the talent is right for your needs.

  1. Look for testimonials: Check reviews and testimonials from previous clients to understand the level of quality to be expected.
  2. Conduct an interview: Opt for a face-to-face or video interview to better clarify the requirements and expectations to avoid miscommunications.
  3. Opt for a pilot project: If you can afford it, test the services with a lower-value pilot project.

A good app development partner might be hard to find, but these tips should prove to help find the right developers. Gauge your needs and figure out which type of app you need for your business. Then, look for the talents accordingly.

The mobile app is going to be your company’s digital footprint. Thus, it needs to have the best first impression with the users. Opt for the right app development partner and watch those download figures soar in app stores.

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Amit Ranjan

Director and Senior iOS Architect

Amit Ranjan | Director and Senior iOS Architect | Evangelist Apps

With over two decades of award-winning experience in apps development, I have had the privilege of collaborating with leading companies in the banking, airlines, energy and retail sectors. Throughout my journey, I have consistently demonstrated a knack for creating user-centric designs tailored to a diverse clientele.

As a senior architect, I played a pivotal role in developing a cost effective app that not only met business requirements but also delivered customer satisfaction. This involved navigating clients landscape, understanding unique challenges and implementing innovative solutions.