Evangelist Apps

iOS 17 — Pie Charts & Donut Charts inSwiftUI

Pie Charts & Donut Charts in SwiftUI

IOS 17 — PIE CHARTS & DONUT CHARTS INSWIFTUI TABLE OF CONTENT Struct monthlysales Pie Chart… Donut chart… Share this article Introduced in iOS 16, Charts is a powerful and concise SwiftUI framework for transforming our data into informative visualizations. With SwiftUI Charts, we can build effective and customizable charts with minimal code. If you are new […]

Exploring the Potential of Augmented Reality in iOS App Development

Augmented Reality in iOS App Development

EXPLORING THE POTENTIAL OF AUGMENTED REALITY IN IOS APP DEVELOPMENT TABLE OF CONTENT Understanding Augmented Reality Before we dive into the… Arkit: Apple’s ar framework Apple, always at the… 1. Gaming and entertainment 2. Retail and e-commerce 3. Education and training 4. Navigation and wayfinding 5. nealtchare and medical training Key takeaways Augmented Reality (AR) […]